
Posts Tagged ‘ice cream’

We’re playing in a golf tournament today, and this golf shirt fits a little more snuggly than it did the last time I wore it. I told Deb I think I might have to lose a few pounds, and I asked if they’ve come up with a pill for that yet. She usually responds to this type of statement by telling me how beautiful she thinks I am, etc. To which usually I say, No, I’m not, but thank you, and I love you too. This morning she said I might have to stop with the soft-serve ice cream. To which I said, Mind your own business.

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Deb says I use the term “visit” a lot. I’m like, “What the heck are you talking about?” She says I’m always visiting…on the phone, in email, with her when she’s in the tub, on bike rides, in person, in the car, in people’s homes (FYI: I do not visit on the phone). For instance, if I go into the bathroom and sit on that little stool while Deb is in the tub and she asks me what I’m doing, I say I’m there to “visit” with her for a little bit. She thinks that’s funny…as if I don’t have to actually visit with her. But I like to. I asked her what she calls it when she talks with her people…she doesn’t have a real word for whatever she does. The best word she could come up with is “talk.” She “talks” with her people. I like “visit” much better. It sounds friendlier. She claims this term “visit” is colloquial. 

I come from a long line of visitors. I cannot tell you how social my family is…we really visit. With everyone. All the time. It’s sort of an important thing, I think. And it’s sort of a good skill to have. Compared with my family, though, I am a hermit.

Last night, I headed out to visit a little bit with Suzanne. She climbed on the back of my scooter, and we went for a soft-serve ice cream cone. It was a nice night, and a lot of little families were sitting on those benches, and I thought about how important it is to just sit there with my people and visit on a nice summer night.

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  1. Yesterday I put on my dog-walking shoes and my foot found a dead mouse nestled in the toe.
  2. I have been in a bit of a funk because I have nothing of consequence to do.
  3. Deb and I both bought new drivers in Denver, and I am finally hitting the ball long and straight off the tee.
  4. Now my short game has gone to hell.
  5. I take a lot of pills every day. That sucks.
  6. But I am very very healthy. That’s good.
  7. The garden is gorgeous. Come visit it.
  8. If the nice weather holds out, I’m going on a long scooter ride with my scooter-riding friends tomorrow.
  9. My high-school friends remember high-school details that I have totally forgotten.
  10. Every night lately, I want a junior-sized soft-serve ice cream: vanilla dipped in chocolate.
  11. May is strawberry-chocolate chip month at Graeters.
  12. I’m not sure I hyphenated the above sentence correctly.
  13. How much coffee is too much coffee?
  14. If I don’t exercise every day…like getting on the bike and riding for about an hour…I get bitchy.
  15. And fat.

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