
Posts Tagged ‘iPhone 4 case’

Did I tell you that I broke the screen on my new iPhone 4? Yep. Dropped it on the way up the basement stairs and it bounced to the bottom and hit the concrete floor. Hairline fracture across the screen.

I went immediately to the Apple store (fortunately, I could easily walk there if necessary) where the nice young hip kid with the gelled hairdo said they were sorry and replaced it right away.

Yesterday—less than 48 hours after I fractured the first screen—I was changing my clothes at work, and my replacement iPhone 4 fell out of my pocket and landed on some tile. I heard it shatter. I knew it was toast before I even looked at it. Sure enough…the screen looked like a store window after a rock goes through it. I mean, seriously, this thing fell a whopping total of 12 inches.

I marched back up to the Apple store where they said they were sorry. I told them I don’t want this phone anymore. I want the old model. I want my old iPhone 3G (mine, of course, has been sold in an Ebay fiasco). But to request the old model as a free replacement for this ridiculously sensitive-screened model, I have to go through AT&T…all Apple can do for free is replace the iPhone 4 with another iPhone 4. But AT&T doesn’t have any 3G on hand…they have to order it and have it shipped to me. So, I took another new iPhone 4 from the very wonderful people at Apple. This is my third iPhone 4 in 8 days.

What can I do, I asked the tattooed Apple boy, to keep this fucker from breaking every time it touches the ground? Buy a case for it, he said in a very understanding way. Okay, sell me a case for it, I said, smiling. Cases for the iPhone 4 are backordered until December, he said, smiling back. Then it looks like I’ll probably be seeing you again tomorrow, I said.

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