
Posts Tagged ‘land’

Because Deb’s playing in a Big Golf Tournament,  I met Mary for pizza last night and then went to meet Sam, the new puppy. Murphy went with me. It was a gorgeous but very cool night, and it felt really really good to be at Mary’s house. Lots of land, mature trees (I’ve got to find a Shagbark Hickory and plant one right here), two college-aged children who chose to hang out with us, two pigs, a bunch of chickens, dogs, and cats. Murphy was all citified and a bundle of nerves around the pigs, though.

(I remember, Mary, when you first mowed on that tractor. You wore that straw hat. I think I have pictures.)

I liked poking around in the garages, too. I find it interesting that my friends with multiple  garages and storage sheds seldom park their cars in them….cars all line up outside—tractors and motorcycles and skis and bicycles and leftover bricks from the new patio inside.

Well, I’ve been feeling the need to build some shelves and install some pegboard in our garage so I don’t always have to run to the basement for tools. But first I need to buy a better drill. Mine sucks. It’s like a sissy electric screwdriver. I want a drill that will put a hole in a dense piece of wood as if it were butter. And I’m willing to pay for it.

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