
Posts Tagged ‘unbelief’

Today is Easter. And I’ll take the dog on a long walk just after the sun rises, and then I’ll finish getting ready for a few guests (we’re having a pork roast that will knock your socks off. And homemade applesauce. And my soon-to-be-famous cornbread. And roasted asparagus), and then we’ll head to church. And it’s going to be a breathtaking day.

I have to admit: I don’t believe that Jesus’ body resurrected. I know it’s hard for some of my friends and readers to hear this. Deb can hardly stand it. I also do not believe that Jesus was born of a virgin. Sorry.

But my disbelief in those details does not mean I don’t believe in their greater truths. (I just changed the word “unbelief” to “disbelief.” It’s a tricky wording issue. I am not an unbeliever. I simply cannot in good conscience get hung up on and reify what I consider the metaphor).

There are lots of traditional Christian doctrine I don’t believe, but I won’t throw you into a funk about it right now. Let’s just say that there are also a lot of things I DO believe. I do believe in resurrection of the spirit because one happened to me. I do believe in a life after death. I do believe in a Higher Power. I do believe that Love overcomes all things. And I mean all things. So, when I sit in church today and when I sing those old familiar hymns and when I let Easter sort of flow in me, that’s what I’ll be thinking about. I’ll also be thinking of you, dear Easter Reader. Happy Day.

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